Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Are YOU the Best Temp Everyone Wants to Work With

With the increasing demand for temporary jobs and hiring, I have put forward few views of current contract job, seekers need to possess in order to make a great career out of it. Contractors have to be linked to temporarily staffing agency whom they need to keep in touch to seek work and with the client where their workplace is when they are placed. This means that you have to impress two entities with your skills, abilities, and performance. If you do impress at least the staffing firm, they will do the rest and groom you to showcase your abilities to optimize them during interviews. 

As a temp-hire, most of the clients are impressed when temps treat their work assignments and do the tasks accomplished just like a full-time job. If the required skills and experience levels are met, good business etiquettes like being on time, dressing properly, showing a positive attitude, being respectful are demonstrated, then the client would definitely be impressed and would like to make the contractor employed for full-time. 

Here are few inputs provided to make you stand out with your skills and make the most of the temporary employment.

Understand the company's culture.

It's very important to understand company culture not only after being hired, but for preparing the interview. It is key for the temp to fit into company's culture. That way you feel you are working for your own cause and not for a client. The more you understand and go hand in hand with company's environment, the more comfortable you feel. Then, there would not be any apprehensions and your skills and performance keeps coming out and maximizes which leads to a win-win situation.

Be easy to train.

A contractor needs to be easily trainable. He should be quick learner. Since there is a definite date for the assignment to be finished, it is important for a temp to get into the groove and get going. By being a quick learner you will score those initial points and impression which will help you accomplish the task of becoming the permanent hire in the future. At the same time, try to learn the tricks of the trade completely and if you feel anything is lacking always reach out to your staffing agency for support.

Know how to build rapport.

When being a contractor, it is common to be of opinion that you just need to finish your tasks and move on. But, remember that building rapport goes a long way. You never know when a co-worker or a manager of the present client may become a reference to you in future contract jobs. Also, when you find the company fit and want to converted to a full-time, it is important to build relationships and rapport within your team. A small talk with your colleague and formal wish whenever you happen to cross your supervisor goes a long way. Try to be approachable but at the same time do not make your intentions very clear. Always talk job-related or neutral topics or topics that interest your audience.

Don't get too familiar too fast.

As mentioned above don't be in a rush to be familiar with everyone in the office and show your intention of becoming a full time employee. First, you should complete your present assignment to the fullest and be indispensable in the future days. The important thing is show that you are capable and have necessary skills to be able to do other tasks as well by keeping yourself updated always. Take every chance of enhancing your knowledge and be a person that company would be proud to have you employed. Your skills and expertise should be at a level that they should be synonymous with your name. The client will think twice to let you go, and if there isn't an immediate position as well, they would like to keep you employed for future assignments.

Be adaptable and flexible.

As the heading suggests, show that you are adaptable in any circumstances and flexible to work under any conditions. Try to adapt to change and ready to listen to your superiors to complete the tasks successfully. Also, be flexible and willing to take challenges, making yourself acquiring new skills and showing the intent that you can work in any given time window. This will give a positive impression to the management to employ you full time. If you have the best skills and have these behavior based abilities, even if the client is low on revenue, they would consider extending your contract and once the revenue is flowing, they would convert you to full time seeing your attitude.

Hence, consider your temporary job as an opportunity to stay updated, with acquisition of new skills. While you continue to earn, expand your web of connections, and may be gain garner some good recommendations for future full-time, permanent job, if that is your goal. Temping is a great way to get acquainted with full time opportunity, like an audition before a film is being shot.