Wednesday, 8 March 2017

10 Worst Body Language Blunders Professional Jobseekers Make

How much smarter you prepare or how much ever you are experienced, some of the candidates are averse to few body language mistakes that they inevitably commit. It is wrong notion that hiring managers just judge you on the interview question that is asked on the subject or job relevancy. They, in fact, take a closer look at your body language, finds a new research. Your good handshake, body posture, eye contact can make or break your chances of getting through the job interview, according to study from CareerBuilder. It is found that nearly 70 % of applicants failed to maintain eye contact, which is considered as one of the biggest body language flaws, with 39 % saying not smiling at all is another biggest faux passas per the hiring managers.

But, why is body language so important in interviews? One of the reason is most recruiters consider body language to make decisions in considering a candidate before even being given a chance to answer a slew of questions. The popular notion in HR circles is that a hiring manager or employer's recruiter can judge within the first 5 minutes of the interview if a candidate is a good bet for an opening in the company.
Psychologists and senior Human resource managers say that anxiety before and during the interview can lead to many body-language related issues. But doing proper homework and preparing yourself before an interview can help beat those nerves, she said.
"The best solution to minimize pre-interview anxiety is solid preparation," says Rosemary Haefner, a Chief Human Resources Officer. "If you don't read about the company and research your role thoroughly, you could magnify your fear of interviewing poorly and lose the opportunity."
On a whole these are the 10 biggest body language blunders that job seekers commit during interviews, that are primarily identified followed by the %age of offenders naming that issue:
  1. Failing to make eye contact: 67 %
  2. Failing to smile: 39 %
  3. Playing with something on the table: 34 %
  4. Fidgeting too much in their seats: 32 %
  5. Crossing their arms over their chests: 32 %
  6. Having bad posture: 31 %
  7. Playing with their hair or touching their faces: 28 %
  8. Having a weak handshake: 22 %
  9. Using too many hand gestures: 13 %
  10. Having a handshake that was too strong: 9 %
A recruiter can gauge a recruiter by the body language that tells a lot about what an applicant seems to be. These nonverbal cues indicate a candidate's level of professionalism and interest along with confidence and will decide if they are the right choice for the position.
If this ill body language is not enough, some of the experienced professionals possess and display several other behaviors that can quickly smash your chances of getting recruited.
Candidates Caught Lying: Two out of three hiring managers have said in the survey that a candidate gets caught providing misleading information about their job experience which is the biggest mix-up during an interview.
Using Cellphone: Another major blunder that candidates commit is using cellphones for texting or sending messages while getting some time during the interviews, as per the survey. 64 % of hiring managers in the survey reported that applicants answer a cell phone or send messages during an interview which is a strict no-no and immediately raises a red flag in recruiters mind.
Being arrogant: Few of the other behavior and body language mistakes are being arrogant especially with experienced candidates who think that their skills and experience are enough to fetch them a job. Dressing unprofessionally, and showing lack of responsibility are the other biggest deal breakers in a job interview, as per the survey.
To make the most out of your job interview and avoid the above blunders, it suggested that candidates follow several tips, including practicing and preparing on correct posture and maintaining eye contact.
Another good method is using video and shooting themselves as though they are participating in an interview to gain a lot of insight into how they are performancing in mocks, thereby identifying mistakes and avoiding them conciously.

As per Haefner another thing that candidate need to learn is to relax. Though many of the experienced folks know how to perform in an interview, due to anxiety issues, they commit the same mistakes again. The best thing to do in this case is to take a few deep breaths before the interview. This will definitely reprieve and relieve some of the anxiety and let go of nevoustics.

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