Tuesday 24 January 2017

Five New Year's Resolutions that can have a Big Payoff in 2017

According to a new survey by a careerbuilder.com, 22% of present employees are looking to change jobs and look for new companies in 2017. At the start of new year, every person has a new year resolution, like losing weight, changing a hobby, or to have a better character etc,. But in terms of job change also, new job seekers and job hunters are said to have resolutions. What is your job hunting resolution for 2017?

The above-mentioned figure of 22% is average for all ages and groups of job applicants. But, for younger workers, the percentage is even higher. They form 15% of job seekers overall, and one of out of every three applicants is looking to seek a new job as per the survey. 

Apart from this new job finding resolution, careerbuilder.com has thrown in more light on the current trend of employees in terms of their resolutions for this year, which are:

49% of them wants to save more of their salary.

38% of them wants to have less pressure in their jobs.

30% of them are seeking promotion or a salary hike.

28% of them wants healthier food at work.

26% of them wants to learn new courses and acquire new job skills

It is never a bad time to change your career progression, and there is no better time than the new year that offers perfect time to make new job resolutions. Here are 5 new year's resolutions that make a big difference in 2017. 

Expand Network: 
Against popular thought, it is not good to start networking when you require a job. It's in fact always before hand that you start increasing your chain of friends and acquaintances which can help you get the job. Always have a broad, diverse and optimum network that can help your job search easier. It is better not to start your conversation with "I am looking for a job, can you help me". Instead, put it at the end or just before the end of the conversation, so that you don't sound like you approached them for job search.

Take Challenges: 
If you have been in a job for a while, it is most probable that you get used to it as a part of general complacency and would have a daily routine of things to do. Take this new year to come out of the comfort zone and try exploring new things without highest risks. Maybe to take on a new course and try a new job which needs higher job skills than you have, and who knows this may your year to shine. 

Get organized: 
Though it may look like a stereotype, a little bit of organization helps you in the long run. Keeping your desk organized, files and folders in place on your desktop will instill some order. Doing this will help you keeping your appointments and meeting your deadlines easier. The major emphasis should be given to make a more concerted effort in getting organized and keeping your things in order.

Acquire New Skills:
Always treat each day as a new day, and try to learn new things related to your job or skillsets. Try to acquire knowledge and make yourself more productive by using it. Always try to go the extra mile. Try to pitch in for the projects outside of your job role and see if your knowledge helps. Always ask proactively if you can join.

Keep Documents Updated: 
Always keep your documents up-to-date and is very important for many reasons. You many never know if a recruiter or a friend of your acquaintance may call you out of the blue with a great job offer. If such opening is surprisingly offered you should have your resume and documents ready to get going. Plus, it is better to always add your acquired skill sets and accomplishments when they are fresh in mind than adding them after 2-3 years all at once.